Hernando County Kennel Club Brooksville, FL 2023-01-18
Posted by: Mike Szabo
Total Entry: 1808
Best In Show
- Judge: Dr. Jose Luis Payro
- Breed: Sealyham Terrier
- Name: GCHP Goodspice Efbe Money Stache
Reserve Best In Show
- Judge: Dr. Jose Luis Payro
- Breed: Long Coat Chihuahua
- Name: GCHP One Love Hashtag Not Vanilla
Junior Showmanship
- Judge: Mrs. Cindy Meyer
- Entry: 21
- Class: ---
- Name: Luke Waters
- Breed: Wire Fox Terrier
Best In Show: Nat'l Owner Handled Series
- Judge: Mrs. Nancy D. Simmons
- Entry: 359
- Breed: Siberian Husky
- Name: Snowmist's Vantage Point CGC TKN
Reserve Junior Showmanship
- Judge: Mrs. Cindy Meyer
- Entry: 20
- Class: Open Junior
- Name: Demery Livingston
- Breed: Shetland Sheepdog
Reserve Best In Show: Nat'l Owner Handled Series
- Judge: Mrs. Nancy D. Simmons
- Entry: 359
- Breed: German Wirehaired Pointer
- Name: GCHG Afterhours Wirewick Save Yourself The Heartbreak CGC TKN VHMP VSWB
Sporting Group
- Judge: Mr. Brian Meyer
- Entry: 318
- Breed: German Wirehaired Pointer
- Name: GCHS RNR Impact N Heywire Walk On The Wilde Side
- Breed: Brittany
- Name: GCHB Rivermist Broxden Magnuttic
- Breed: Wirehaired Pointing Griffon
- Name: GCHG Double Barrel's Turkey Creek Jack Johnson MH CGCA
- Breed: English Springer Spaniel
- Name: GCHG Woburn's Telltale Treasure
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place
4th Place
Hound Group
- Judge: Mr. Randy E. Garren
- Entry: 226
- Breed: Greyhound
- Name: GCHB Ina's Fashion Divine
- Breed: Whippet
- Name: GCH Wenrick's Nightcap
- Breed: Beagle (13" and under)
- Name: GCHG Fetch & Smell Olive Oyl
- Breed: Beagle (over 13")
- Name: GCHP Kazuri's All I Want For Christmas CGC TKN
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place
4th Place
Working Group
- Judge: Mr. Garry K. Newton
- Entry: 327
- Breed: Giant Schnauzer
- Name: GCHP Spicerack's Shotgun Rider CGCA TKN
- Breed: Great Dane
- Name: GCHG Longo Lore N VanDelft's Superstition
- Breed: Doberman Pinscher
- Name: GCHP Alcher Tmac Witchcraft V Gentry
- Breed: Black Russian Terrier
- Name: GCHB Cherryhills I Am Boyar CGC TKN ATT
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place
4th Place
Terrier Group
- Judge: Ms. Sharol Candace Way
- Entry: 162
- Breed: Sealyham Terrier
- Name: GCHP Goodspice Efbe Money Stache
- Breed: Kerry Blue Terrier
- Name: GCHP BlueCrush Freedom And Whiskey!
- Breed: Staffordshire Bull Terrier
- Name: GCHS Wavemaker Nonesuch TKN VHMA CGCA CGCU TT VSWB
- Breed: Glen of Imaal Terrier
- Name: GCHG Keadeen's Beyond The Pale
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place
4th Place
Toy Group
- Judge: Dr. Andrea Bradford, MD
- Entry: 268
- Breed: Long Coat Chihuahua
- Name: GCHP One Love Hashtag Not Vanilla
- Breed: Japanese Chin
- Name: GCHB Two Oaks Southern Comfort@Sonsets
- Breed: Italian Greyhound
- Name: GCHS Jaros Ferazi Once Upon A Time
- Breed: Pekingese
- Name: GCHG Avalon & Snopekes Happy Days
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place
4th Place
Non-Sporting Group
- Judge: Mrs. Nancy D. Simmons
- Entry: 258
- Breed: Bulldog
- Name: GCHP Cherokee Legend Encore
- Breed: French Bulldog
- Name: GCHP Fabelhaft Robobull Ferragamo
- Breed: Chinese Shar-Pei
- Name: GCH Good Fortune Good and Ready II
- Breed: Tibetan Terrier
- Name: GCHG Barnstorm One Chance Fancy By Dzine
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place
4th Place
Herding Group
- Judge: Mrs. Cindy Meyer
- Entry: 234
- Breed: Puli
- Name: GCH Mezok Edes-Retes
- Breed: Australian Shepherd
- Name: GCHP LK Michigan I'm Yours
- Breed: Miniature American Shepherd
- Name: GCHP Alta Oceans Symphony Of The Seas
- Breed: Bearded Collie
- Name: GCH Corimist Destiny Awaits
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place
4th Place
Best in Miscellaneous Class
- Judge: Mr. Randy E. Garren
- Entry: 9
- Breed: Russian Tsvetnaya Bolonka
- Name: Fireland Honor Thy Father At Debbys
Unofficial results and subject to change
The following are tentative results sent in weekly from the AKC Field Reps. Only those shows attended by AKC Field Reps are listed and the results are posted as soon as possible after receipt. These results are unofficial and subject to change pending AKC confirmation.