Delaware County Kennel Club, Inc. York, PA 2023-03-18
Posted by: Amanda Ciaravino
Total Entry: 2461
Best In Show
- Judge: Terry Berrios
- Breed: Afghan Hound
- Name: GCHG Zaida Bint Muti Von Haussman
Reserve Best In Show
- Judge: Terry Berrios
- Breed: Affenpinscher
- Name: GCH Good Luck Chuck V Tani Kazari
Junior Showmanship
- Judge: Dr. Tracy Powell
- Entry: ---
- Class: Open Senior
- Name: Alexandra Marcelli
- Breed: Mastiff
Best In Show: Nat'l Owner Handled Series
- Judge: Mr.s Paula Nykiel
- Entry: ---
- Breed: Azawakh
- Name: GCH Eidi N' Amanar
Reserve Junior Showmanship
- Judge: Dr. Tracy Powell
- Entry: ---
- Class: Open Senior
- Name: Caleigh Novak
- Breed: English Springer Spaniel
Reserve Best In Show: Nat'l Owner Handled Series
- Judge: Mrs Paula Nykiel
- Entry: ---
- Breed: Italian Greyhound
- Name: GCHS Jaros Ferazi Once Upon A Time
Sporting Group
- Judge: Alessandra Folz
- Entry: 539
- Breed: Irish Setter
- Name: GCH Northwinds There Is Only One King
- Breed: English Cocker Spaniel
- Name: GCHP Majestic Sweet Apple Friends In Low Places
- Breed: Black Cocker Spaniel
- Name: GCHG Rejoices To The Point
- Breed: ASCOB Cocker Spaniel
- Name: GCHS Color Me Banker's Choice
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place
4th Place
Hound Group
- Judge: Allen L Odom
- Entry: 605
- Breed: Afghan Hound
- Name: GCHG Zaida Bint Muti Von Haussman
- Breed: Beagle (over 13")
- Name: GCHP Kazuri All I Want For Christmas CGC
- Breed: American Foxhound
- Name: Kiarry's Gotta Have Faith
- Breed: Treeing Walker Coonhound
- Name: GCHS Lost Heritage Knight Of El Dorado
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place
4th Place
Working Group
- Judge: Denise Flaim
- Entry: 420
- Breed: Newfoundland
- Name: GCH Pouch Cove's What Say You Cayuga
- Breed: Boxer
- Name: GCHG Hi-Tech N Brisbane One Chance Fancy
- Breed: Bullmastiff
- Name: GCHS Marconian N Ridgetops Keeper Of The Keys
- Breed: Giant Schnauzer
- Name: GCHG Longhorn's Ready and Raring to Go
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place
4th Place
Terrier Group
- Judge: Celeste Gonzalez
- Entry: 148
- Breed: Sealyham Terrier
- Name: GCHP Goodspice Efbe Money Stache
- Breed: Irish Terrier
- Name: GCHB Pure Quill's Roscoe The Gingerbread Man
- Breed: Dandie Dinmont Terrier
- Name: Skyedreamer Fusilier's Sgian Dubh
- Breed: Cairn Terrier
- Name: GCHG Kyleakin Return Of The Roar CGC
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place
4th Place
Toy Group
- Judge: James Mitchell
- Entry: 245
- Breed: Affenpinscher
- Name: GCH Good Luck Chuck V Tani Kazari
- Breed: Long Coat Chihuahua
- Name: GCHP One Love Hashtag Not Vanilla
- Breed: Miniature Pinscher
- Name: GCH Kimros Adelle Astaire
- Breed: Italian Greyhound
- Name: GCHS Jaros Ferazi Once Upon A Time
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place
4th Place
Non-Sporting Group
- Judge: Dr Albert Bianchi
- Entry: 267
- Breed: Lhasa Apso
- Name: GCHG Ta Sen Westgate Jingle Juice
- Breed: Miniature Poodle
- Name: GCHG Surrey Sage
- Breed: Keeshond
- Name: GCHB Windrift's Stand By Me
- Breed: Xoloitzcuintli
- Name: GCHS Cobano Avalos-Lara
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place
4th Place
Herding Group
- Judge: Karen Day
- Entry: 233
- Breed: Pembroke Welsh Corgi
- Name: GCHS Trifecta Sunshine in my Pocket at Maiella
- Breed: Old English Sheepdog
- Name: GCHP Bagatelle Rainbow Moon
- Breed: Briard
- Name: CH Deja Vu Popsakadoo Say Yes To The Dress
- Breed: Pumi
- Name: CH Silhouettes Beginning To Inspire
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place
4th Place
Best in Miscellaneous Class
- Judge: Allen Odom
- Entry: ---
- Breed: Dutch Shepherd
- Name: Loach Von Der Schafers Weg
Unofficial results and subject to change
The following are tentative results sent in weekly from the AKC Field Reps. Only those shows attended by AKC Field Reps are listed and the results are posted as soon as possible after receipt. These results are unofficial and subject to change pending AKC confirmation.